Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Morning Barnyard...

Good Morning from a frosty, chilly, cloudy with the potential to be a warm and sunny day. Lets hope and pray for the later. I'm ready for sun and some warmth.

All in all things are going OK here. As always things could be better. Right now I'm just hoping the cows would start to freshen in so we could have milk in the tank rather than in waiting. There are days I feel like pulling my hair out.

At least the excavators might be here tomorrow. Friday for sure. However at this point I'm not holding my breath. Yes I'm trying not to be pessimistic. Today it's up hill work though. It seems like every time we get ready to start something happens to stop us.
This is off the subject but I just wanted it written down just in case. Yesterday evening a navy blue Chevy extended cab truck (step-side) was going by and then stopped in the road (just past our house with a perfect view of the where the new house is going) when it saw me it put petal to the metal and left. There have been odd things happening around here as of late. And it just has me puzzled. Who cares about that danged old basement other than us and the other parties involved?

I promise post a more upbeat message later! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sara, I'm praying that God gives you perfect peace that He's watching out for you ... and your basement. :)