Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's hard to believe...

That today:

1. There will be a new President coming into office.
2. Today will forever change our lives as Americans... more so than when any other newly inaugurated President took office.
3. My prayers will change.

I've never felt like this with any other person. Will the change come softly like a warm breeze in Spring? or will the change come more in the form of radical change with freedoms taken from us? In a nice package however.

Only time will tell. And all I'm going to say is I HOPE that all those who voted for Mr.President will be happy in the end with that they have chosen. There is a difference when you vote for what you feel is best for country over what is best for self.

I keep thinking what would my great grandmother and all those who have gone before me thought of current events.

What are your thoughts?

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