Friday, January 16, 2009

Thank goodness it's... Or I'm NOT Mary Poppins

One day closer to SPRING! Late nights low was 0. Thankfully we aren't as cold as our northern and eastern neighbors. Although when it's gets this cold does it really matter what the thermometer says???

Anyway sorry for not posting a more news worthy post this week. It's been cold... that's my story and I'm stickin' to it! Wednesday the tractor froze up. I cried, prayed, screamed, threw tools, tossed the tractor manual, cried, prayed, gave up... Not in that order but pretty dog gone close. Yesterday I tried again to get it to go... HA! I say HA! It would help if I had a clue as to what I was doing. It would help if I had working lights in the barn so I could see what I'm doing. It would also help if I knew that the part I got this AM was going to work as it's a cross referenced New Holland fuel filter for an Agco Allis tractor. Did that make sense? It doesn't to me either. OH WELL. Please pray that I can get the old filter off and the new one on with out air locking the lines. AND that it will run!

Other farm news... Both babies decided to get scours at the same time RIGHT before the cold snap. Can you say ADDED STRESS and UTTER FRUSTRATION? The one is doing better than the other only because he was sick 24 hours before the other.
Cotton has yet to calve. The cats are going nuts. I've broken ice on water tanks, carried hot water to thaw tubs of ice. I would LOVE to take a picture of the cold... how does one do that? The ice in the tanks? "Icicles" on the bovines noses? OR maybe an SUV that won't start!? Yes I forgot about that... I'm going to (in my mind) draft a letter to the engineers who have designed the tractor and our vehicles. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?!?!?!

Yes the cold weather brings out the worst in me. Rather it brings out my frustrations. Know what I mean Vern? So here is to better and warmer days to come.

My favorite David Austen rose... Oh for summer!

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