Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's amazing...

What makes people tick, their pet peeves... those little things that just drive a person up the wall. It's like the ever present drip of a leaky faucet. drip, Drip, DRip, DRIp, DRIP... Until you just can't take it anymore and you either try to fix it yourself, call a friend who knows about pluming, call a plumber, or just let it go and turn up the music in an effort to drowned it out.

Here are mine:

Crickets chirping in the summer when your trying to go to sleep.

Calves mooing at the TOP of their lungs because they need to be heard. Note: This reverberates off the walls and makes it 10X worse on the ears of their loving (HA!) caretaker who ears are very sensitive to high pitched noises.

Dairy farmers who say... Oh I can make it on $2.00 milk... OK so that's a slight exaggeration. But there are those few who will say that they can still make money when we are being paid below the cost of production. Grr

The words: Like and Awesome being used everything other time in a sentence.

People at the local feed store who say "Oh we need the moisture!" This is after we've just gotten a flood of rain and more is fore casted.

Neighbors who will NOT keep their bulls home. I'll not get on THAT soapbox.

People who say they are Christians. Yet no more act like it than the man in the moon. OR Better yet the business people who have scripture on their business cards, in their office or store. I've yet to not be taken by these people. And yes I consider myself a Christian. I just don't go around saying to people I'm a Christian! Shouldn't we let it show? OK sorry... off on my little rant.

When my milk hauler won't give us that extra 1000 pounds I asked for! KIDDING!!!! JOKING!!!! Yeah I ask... laughing... to which he just laughs. :)

The timer on the oven that you forgot was on going BEEP, BEEP BEEP BEEP... Then you remember the Magic Bars you made for dessert! :) Yup that just happened moments ago.

So what makes you tick? I'm curious...


Farmside of this post.

Calves are doing OK. I made a "coat" last night for Miss. MaGoo. She's not happy about it, but dog gone it if she doesn't look CUTE in her pink plaid and big green frog polar fleece "coat". If I can just make it a few more days I'll be done with them being sick. Praise the Lord.

It was 18 this AM when I headed out for chores and check ups.

The goats are all doing well. V. and V. will be moving outside tomrrow with the other "girls".

Hay is here... gotta run!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pictures! We need pictures of Miss MaGoo in her coat!

Thanks for the links!