Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Whatever happened?

To manners? Please, thank you, excuse me, pardon me, or just having patience.

Today I had to make a quick trip to town. On the way home I had a sudden Zero candy bar attack. Yes I know it's bad for me. However I hardly ever eat candy bars and well for some reason it seemed like a good idea to just quickly run into Dollar General for one and look around a little.

I headed up to the check out and there was a man in front of me in line. NO problem... until he turned around. No pardon me, excuse me, sorry but can I get by? If I hadn't moved he would have pushed me out of the way I'm sure. I've seen this fellow around town and he's not the nicest of people. Anyway he kept it up. Not once, or twice, but 5 or 6 times. The first time I was fine with it, but after the 2nd time with no I'm sorry, excuse me, or anything. Well it started to wear me slick! Even the cashier seemed peeved.

What gives!? I can understand if it's several people doing it while your shopping, however when it's one single person who just acts like they own the place and your just in their way. I don't know. It just set me off on the inside. After that it was peanuts. The whole salmonella scare. The one they were saying DON'T EAT DAIRY! NO RAW MILK or RAW MILK CHEESE, or EGGS.... something like that. And come to find out it's PEANUTS! From a plant in TX that hasn't been inspected in four YEARS! Unlicensed for four YEARS! ARGH! I guess peanuts don't rate on the inspection scale like dairy farms. Nor do they seem to have to have samples taken at random to check Bactria levels in or on the peanuts.

Off my soapbox for a time... I have read about Stephen Fowler. I just can't seem to pull myself away from it. Why is this?

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