Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Stills of sorts...

These have came from the archives... so I won't be posting them on the SS blog. It's been a hectic past few days. Thankfully mom is getting better they are just waiting to find out the cause of the seizers she had on Thursday.

The farm is holding it's own. Things are getting done slowly but surly.


Have a good one!


Anonymous said...

Ah, Sara, it never rains but it pours, eh? Keeping your Mom (and you!) in prayer.

threecollie said...

Oh, Sara, I hope things work out okay. We will be holding good thoughts for you and your family.

~ Sara ~ said...

It does feel that way gaga... :)
Thank you threec...

We need all the good thoughts, prayer, etc... we can get these days.