Thursday, February 05, 2009

Big Boy!

It's a HUGE bull. Part beef, but mostly jersey. Our beef heifer was trying to have him on Tuesday evening. NO go. We couldn't find a vet (WHY won't they answer their phones?). But mom had the idea to call a friend of ours to come and he did. And didn't mind either. I just knew I couldn't pull him without hurting Mini Madeline or him.
Big Boy as he is being called (or George which ever mood I'm in) is weighing in at a good 90 pounds. I wish I could get a good shot of his joints for with a perspective. As this little feller isn't so little. HEY here's a thought for ya... take a can of soda add about a quarter of an inch all the way around and that would be the size of his ankles.
He's a sweet heart!


Anonymous said...

He's beautiful! I assume Min Madeline is okay, too, or you would have said.

What a treat!

~ Sara ~ said...

Yes his mummy is getting better day by day. It was stressful time for her and me. :) It was her first time calving so that added to the over all stress for her.