Thursday, February 19, 2009

Long day...

The days starts with her and her. Our dear little orphans. Vivian (brown) and Vashtie (white). Aren't their ears just darling!

And then this morning Sabrina had Sasha and Suzanna. They were cold and wet there for that is why they are in the clothes basket in the house for a few hours. At present they are with mummy and doing well. Thank the Lord for small things.

In other news things are moving forward with the new basement. Update on that tomorrow. I'm just to worn out from the wind, cold and what seems to me a never ending day. I do believe all the babies (calves) are trying to get scours all at the same time. GRRRRRR at least our milk on pick up days is coming up.

Have a good one... I'm heading to bed early.


Anonymous said...

Cute pics!

Anonymous said...

They're adorable, Sara. Thanks for sharing. Hope you're getting some rest - babies are so tiring!