Saturday, July 31, 2010


FINALLY after weeks and weeks of having no charge on the electric fence we have a good solid reading. It's amazing how "tween" bovines can push your buttons, make you brave a creepy well house that harbors snakes, and try to only thing left to do to fix the fence. And it WORKED... I was so thrilled to get a 6.4 KV on the fence tester. I even asked mom if she had noticed if they had came up to test it out... I was waiting for the wonderful sound of a "pop" when their little noses got shocked. That may sound mean and cruel, but it's just a wee little shock and they will have learned their little lesson.

Anymore it seems people humanize all animals. Animals are animals... yes they feel pain, yes I believe they go to heaven when they die, and yes they have emotions. HOWEVER... it is not on the same line as people.

NEXT in line... I've had a break through!!!!!! Tippee... everyone remember Tippee right... the black Alpine we traded for a year and a half ago, of whom you couldn't get with in 50 ft of or she would spook and run off? Well, she finally came up and wanted to be loved!!!! I always knew she had it in her... that somewhere in that skittish soul that had been traded and sold who knows how many times in her short life, that she was needing love, affection, hugs, and animal crackers... :)

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